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Anvil Bitch 

When Anvil Bitch recently got back together and played some shows I knew it was time to do a brand new interview with them. Heck they were interviewed back when issue # 1 came out and that was in 1986. I emailed some questions to original and current bass player Dave Carr and here is what he said to them:

MC: Have you lived in Phila, PA all your life? I know you have lived in the area since the 80's at least how have you seen the music scene change over the years?

DC: I grew up in Pt. Pleasant Pa. Moved to Philly in '82 at 16 watched FM radio strangle the tri-state area with Shitty 70's music and the hooters etc…with NO support for local original Heavy bands at ALL save for a couple late night heavy metal shows ..kudos to Ray Koob for trying!

MC: Did you come from a big or small family?

DC: Big family but I grew up with my father and little bro, had 3 other brothers and sisters who were older and moved out.

MC: Were you into music at a young age and what did you be when you wanted to grow up?

DC: Yes at 12! Obsessed with being a stunt man until I got a bass!

MC: How did you end up discovering music in general and what were some of the early style of music you got into?

DC: 12th birthday oldest sis got me Kiss Alive 1 ! Then I raided older siblings record collections and my next 4 records were Sabbath/paranoid -Nugents 1st, Motorhead /No Sleep (mostly because I saw a nudy pictorial in one of my fathers porn mags!! with Motorhead in it I shit you NOT!) and a Steve Miller record ( had a cool cover)!

MC: How did you end up discovering the wonderful world of metal?

DC: Small record store at the Q-mart in Quakertown, PA and Chucky Stadulis years later! I remember him coming to practice with Kill em all and saying "check THIS out!

MC: How did you end up playing the bass? Did the guitar fascinate you at all? Did you take any lessons for the bass and who were some early bass players that you admired?

DC: My oldest brother bought me a bass, he played and still does play guitar in a band as well ( elvis impersonater act ) I took lessons briefly but I learned more from listening to my early Iron Maiden tapes ie..Killers-#of the beast and my Sabbath records, but I can say Steve Harris probably taught me to play bass!

MC: Now when you were learning to play the bass, did at some point you want to join a band? What was the metal scene like in Philly when you were learning the bass? What are some early shows that you went to?

DC: YES! I started playing bass the same time my buds (now remember I grew up in the country) started playing guitar ( Chris McFayden and Chris Alexander) and they were Jimmy Page/Hendrix freaks- guitar hero music always bothered me..boring bass lines right? I moved to the city,met Chuck Stadulis we decided to ditch football practice and go jam with his buddy John Plumley and he gave me a list of songs to learn Twisted Sister /Triumph/ Maiden...Honestly I don't recall there being a "metal scene" in Philly at that time !! I was still in high school! We did go to some shows though we saw Corrosion of Conformity at some church near South street with Circle of Shit at the time they were still pretty much a hardcore band! There was a scene!! L'Amours! we made the trip almost weekly to see bands like Slayer (Haunting the Chapel) with Megadeth opening-Exciter, SOD (Anthrax (I never cared for them)! It was cool though to see a scene emerging in Brooklyn hoping it would make its way down the turnpike! I cant leave out the ritualistic stop at Rock-n-Roll Heaven on our way to L'Amours! when looking back that place was the hub for east coast thrash metal!!

MC: After you picked up Metallica's "Kill Em All" what did you think of it the 1st time that you heard it? Was it like a drug that you wanted more of?

DC: WOW! Those guitars!! that was what they were supposed to sound like! The more we listened to it, the more we needed to hear! Then we discovered Show No mercy took it to a whole new level~( I will admit I was not the biggest Slayer fan at first..couldn't hear any bass) but they took it to ANOTHER level when Reign in Blood came out (All time favorite) I saw them open with RIB at City Gardens back-lit by strobes and every head in the house front to back was banging in unison I was above on the bleachers to the side it was amazing..still get chills thinking about it!! all time top metal moment haha! (i was at that show too-chris)

MC: Were you in any bands before Anvil Bitch? How long were you playing bass before you went and played in a band?

DC: Yes I played with my buds I mentioned before, we did one song by at a talent show at Holicong Jr. High! I was also in a blues band with this guy named Mark Furman when I was in high school we played alot we were the house band at Grendles Lair on South st, and the Khyber Pass where I jammed with Jaco Pastoriuos (A great jazz bassist) it was fun playing night clubs while I was still in school!

MC: Looking back was playing bass harder or easier than you thought it was going to be? Do you play with a pic or your fingers? Do you fingers hurt at all from so many years of playing?

DC: No pic! I have a deformed finger (roofing injury) so I have a built in finger nail/pic mostly fingers tho. Bass is nice because you can be as technical or basic as you want ,Ive learned when done right ..less is more with bass guitar! My fingers hurt more from cold weather and hammers more than playing bass ! hopefully someday that will change!

MC: I remember all those Lamour shows as well as we went to some together and omg Rock N Roll Heaven in Old Bridge, NJ was the shit. Now how did the forming of Anvil Bitch come to play out and did you go through many members before you finally got a stab line-up? Had you known many of the members before you formed A.B.?

DC: I was a new kid at Lincoln High School I didn't know too many people when a classmate saw my Iron Maiden t-shirt and said "I know a guy who is in a band and you should get to know him" Enter Chucky Stadulis! He told me how he and some buddies get together after school and Jam. A couple days later he gave me a list of songs to learn :Allied Forces /Triumph ,under the blade /Twisted Sister, Breaking the Law /JP and some Maiden. I don’t recall having a steady singer at the time just neighborhood kids singing there favorite songs with us, we jammed in a guy named Chris Prices basement .There was a guy named Mike Hardigree who knew alot about the metal scene he had been going to New York and stuff hetold us about RnR Heaven and L'Amours but he lived in Levittown and didn't think we were good enough to be in HIS band besides none of us drove yet and he couldn't always make practice! I cant leave out Frank Willus was and still is our bro from the beginning on guitar, Herb Yeh helped us out playing live shows on guitar as well as Shawn Marcoon and Matt Bradley. When Gary joined we knew this is gonna be great!

MC: What were some of the early practices like? Did you pretty much all just jam around on cover tunes?

DC: What were some cover tunes that you guys liked to do? We LIVED to play in that basement! Johnny was like a teacher he would figure songs out and teach them to us! as soon as a record came out JP was on it! we were playing Freewheel burning by Judas Priest a couple days after it was released we played alot of Twisted Sister too! under the blade, burn in hell etc..and lots of Sabbath as well.

MC:How did you come up with the name and were any other names considered? Looking back are you happy you stuck with the name you did?

DC: Anvil Bitch was Chucky's idea, when I joined I think they were called Innocent Exile .We weren't crazy about the name but after we played a couple parties and people were starting to talk we decided it didn't make sense to change it . As a matter of fact (I just remembered this! a couple years later Gary wanted it changed to Rainein or something and we did an Empire show under that name but quickly changed it back when people got it confused with a Fleetwood Mac song!!) I know the band Anvil was pissed , the sound man at the Empire said they wanted our poster taken down off the wall when they played there to which he replied " I wouldn't do that if I were you!" funny shit right there!

MC: How long was the band together before you decided to start writing original songs? What was the 1st song that you guys wrote together and where did you practice and stuff? How did the writing of a song come together?

DC: JP was a riff machine we were doing originals from the start! we spent almost as much time writing as learning covers I could be wrong but I think To The Grave was our first song as Anvil Bitch. JP is a song writer he knows how it should sound and tries to convey that to us with an open mind as far as everyone contributing riffs here and there and adding input, some songs JP brings to practice beginning to end and other times he will say I have this riff ..any ideas what to do with it ?and we will all collaborate. We practiced where ever we could for about a month before we were kicked out! then on to the next basement or attic!

MC: Did you guys click right away and was there good chemistry from the start? In those days how much time was spent doing band stuff back then?

DC: Right away ! Chucky and Johnny were neighbors and best friends these guys were great I fit right in, none of us smoked or used drugs we did everything together from going to the Spectrum with boxes full of flyers to getting thrown out of poser parties!! not just our 4 members but we had an entourage of equal importance !! it was a state of mind (not to sound cliche' but we rode thick )! We had a van and where 1 went we all went Chris you already know this tho! You were there too!

MC: Once you got your 1st orignal written was it easier to start writing more originals? Did the band have any goals at the moment? What was the vibe like at practice at this point?

DC: Jeez! good question! Yeah I think we realized we can do this too ! We started saving money to record our first demo and started concentrating less on covers and more on originals. Our practice spot was Shawn Teirney's basement at Large street and Roosevelt Blvd. Our sessions started out working on originals but 2 hours later it seemed like there were 20 people there and they turned into beersoaked jamparties and THAT was what got the buzz going- those early days at the Coven (shawn basement)! a couple friends would come over then they brought some friends and so on and so on!

MC: What do you remember about your 1st live show? Where was it and I assume you did a mix of covers and a few originals? How excited was the band to be playing live finally?

DC: We got a last minute call to play the Empire on a Thursday night with a butt-rock band called "Buff The Musket"we jumped at the opportunity and it was fun !! Seeing the faces of the Empire regulars, who consisted of dudes dressed all glam like the chicks all standing there jaws dropped as we opened with Hit the lights or black magic I cant remember but it was priceless they all looked like someone was holding turds under their noses !! And we loved it! We were only 17 or 18 years old couldn't even drink legally! When we saw Black Task we knew we had to do shows with these dudes and all ages Sundays started so our fans didn't have to hang in the parking lot trying to sneak in!

MC: At what point did you guys decide you wanted to do a demo tape? At this time did you know all about the underground scene with the tape trading, fanzines, etc?

DC: Well I already answered that one, but we were learning about the underground scene through Rock N Roll Heaven and Shawn was trading demos by mail with people like you Chris and Scott Helig. A lot happened in the parking lot at the Spectrum too.We seldom went into shows ,the action was outside these concerts brought metalheads together in one place from New York to Maryland there was no internet so these concerts and tons of flyers brought other bands and fans all together "meet at the ramp" behind the Spectrum was where it's at!

MC: So where did you end up recording your demo and how much money did it cost you? Did you rehearse a ton before going into the studio? Did you all go in one at a time and do your parts? How long did it take you to record it? When it was done were you happy with it?

DC: The Sound Bank with Don Cugini we recorded live then touched up our parts it was very exciting for us and Don! he never heard anything like what we were doing for an older guy he was so cool with what we up to, he kept comparing us to the Beatles to which we would chuckle but I guess that was a compliment! I dont remember the price i do remember trying to fix his roof to help pay it off! The building is still there at the Eerie Torresdale El stop the corner bank!

MC: Where did you go to have the tapes made or did you dub them off blank tapes? How did the artwork for it and the inlay stuff? What was the feeling like as a band when you have the master tape or reel from the demo in your hands? Do you remember who the 1st person was that actually brought the demo?

DC: That is a question for JP I think Larry Schlarman did the artworkand logo ! I do remember feeling 17 feet tall as our demo was being played loudly at parties and in cars at different places we would go!

MC: Did you start sending the tape out to fanzine and such? What was the 1st review that you got and what was it like seeing the band's name in a fanzine? What was it like finally having something to sell at shows?

DC: Shawn was our ad-hock manager at the time and he (rip) did most of that type of thing he would bring reviews and stuff down to practice for us to check out but for us it was about jamming! That was all we cared about! No offense to fanzines they are the true spine of this genre especially back then, we were on the other end though trying to write songs that were fast and heavy some fanzines liked some not we couldn't worry about that ! we had what we needed in our own hands..our instruments!

MC: Now after the demo came out what were some of the reviews like? Were you getting a lot ofm mail everyday and what was the vibe like at practice finally having a demo out? Looking back what are your thoughts on the demo now?

DC: It's hard for me to remember specific reviews... at the time thrash was still a pretty much new genre some mags weren't quite ready for thrash so they called us noise others liked us and some said we sounded like slayer/metalica. JP had a way of keeping us focused on what WE wanted to sound like, not what others thought we should sound like. It was great having a demo so we didn't have to explain to people what kind of music we play (remember mid 80's.... thrash was still underground!) That demo was our first child ,our first shot at riding a wave,a wave that got bigger and more crowded as the years went by but a very fun ride!

MC: I know at this point you were playing the Empire a lot with Blacktask. What are some memories you have of those times and what were some other places that you played at?

DC: Ahh! our boys Black Task! I think we liked BT more than BT liked BT! They were a huge influence on us ,we thought they were going to be HUGE still dont know what happened there, but we had fun with those guys. we started to really draw some people to the Empire we were realizing other folks liked this thrash too ! At the time we were playing Exodus covers and Metalica but kids were starting to know OUR songs as well yelling from the crowd "Neckbreaker!" or "Time To Die" THAT was cool ! I remember pulling into the Empire parking lot (a whole other story in it's self) and hearing our demo playing at different songs in different cars all over the place making us paddle a little harder to catch that wave!

MC: Eventually you started writing more originals. How fast was the song writing process at this time. Out of the early tunes is there any that you really don't like now?

DC: We kinda stopped learning new covers at this point and concentrated on writing our own tunes we always had a vast set list of cover tunes for parties or whatever but our focus was on new songs Wasn't too crazy about Time to Die and I think I helped pen that one! HAHA!

MC: Did you manage to play out at all besides the Phila, PA area? What was the response to the band in other places? Do you think you were a good live band and is there any old footage of the band that may end up on say You Tube or are there videos already up there?

DC: Other than Jersey or Delaware we didn't play out of town too much until the record was released and yes there are some videos on You Tube from WAY back in the day.

MC: How did the song "Maggot Infestation" come about? I know the lyrics are kind of cheezy, but what do you and the band think of this song these days? What is your favorite Anvil Bitch song?

DC: I wrote most of Maggots ,there was a garbage pickup strike in Philly when Mayor Goode had a press conference and said "we must stop this before the maggots and the infestation get out of control"Me and my room-mate Gary Cap looked at eachother and said"that's gotta be a song!" Gary and I liked punk cross over bands a lot and weird shit like Zappa and smoking pot sooo..there ya have it ! It was never meant to be a serious song just a fun anthem and that it was! My favorite song is always the one we would be currently working on I guess 'cause it's new and in the process of being shaped into what WE think it should sound like ! a new tune stays on my mind probably the repitition of practicing it is to blame but that's how it is for me!

MC: Well do tell me the Empire Parking Lot story.

DC: Way back in the day ..before cellphones ,before the internet people used to actually get together and this parking lot was where many of us did just that! we would meet before going other places we could meet older chicks who were going into the club and if we wanted to follow them in,we would carry our guitars in with us (they never carded you if you carried a guitar)! All ages Sundays were the best tho the lot was bumping! A gathering of metal heads we traded tapes listened to tunes drank ALOT of beer and covered vehicles with our next show flyers a very important part in our emergence into the thrash scene!

MC: Now after the demo came out you got signed to New Reinasaunce Records. (I know I spelled it wrong). How did that come about and were any other labels interested in the band at that time?

DC: Chris I barely remember all that type of info, we were just kids so we "probably" jumped at the first deal! We had a couple songs on some compilation records Shawn Tierney handled most of that business along with JP I honestly dont remember.

MC: Looking back how now what are your thoughts on it and why did call it "Rise to Offend"? Other than the production I think it is a great release what are your thoughts on the production end of things?

DC: I hated the production right away I wasn't allowed to complain though because I wasn't there for the final mix or production. We tried making Griff our engineer listen to Ride the Lightning and other thrash records but he ended up having us listen to fucking Chicago records for some reason ! In my opinion Rise to Offend still sounds like an early Chicago record without fuckin trumpets and saxophones !! Rise To Offend came about because Gary didn't want to sing the lyrics to "Opostle of Hell" so he changed them and he wrote "Rise To Offend".. lyrics and I guess we liked the sound or it for a first record!

MC: When the album came out thrash was a bit more known and stuff, did you manage at this time to play out of time much and where was the furthest you went and did you ever get to play Lamour's and what was it like playing The Trocedero?

DC: We played Detroit, Boston DC Burlington Vermont we got around and it was so cool to play so far away and have kids showing up knowing our fuckin' tunes that was awesome in Boston they had maggot banners and in Detroit people were singing along with our songs ! We played L'amours a few times with Overkill,King Diamond, Hades and Anthrax we were recieved great up there I miss that place for sure! Except for the smell the Troc was fun we got to play there with Motorhead. I'll always remember JP dedicating a song to Lemmy and when I looked off stage left during that song there was Lemmy standing there with his arms crossed nodding his head to our song! I later asked him if he had any extra beer in his dressing room to which he replied" there's no such thing as extra beer Mate , so have some of mine!!" and handed us a bucket full of beer we got along great with him we even traded t-shirts! Now the Troc wont even return an e-mail to me. fuck that place.

MC: Are there any songs from that record that you recorded that never made it on to the record? Actually is there any unreleased stuff lying around that might see the light of day on CD such as the demo, live stuff. etc?

DC: No. we actually had to record some filler stuff to make it a little longer like "Argue With A Sick Mind" . We have enough material now to record a full length record and we are shopping a deal !

MC: Ok so you did some touring and stuff after the record came out and stuff. Now at some point Gary left the band and you changed your name and became Dominace. What led to all this and was the break up with Gary bad at the time and why the name change and how did you come up with it?

DC: By this time AB had "profesional" management (Golden Guru) and I think that added pressure that we were not used to and I believe this caused a lack of enthusiasm amongst all of us. There were ABSOLUTELY NO hard feelings toward any of us band mates we all still got along in fact Gary and I stayed room-mates a couple years after and we all supported each others next projects.Our buddies Deadspot had just released their 1st record (adios dude) when the bassist Big Larry got hurt in an accident they tagged me to help them with a small tour in support of this record ,I loved this band so it was something new and fresh to occupy my time BUT I knew I was a temp so when I talked to JP he was talking about jamming with Johnny Hebert (a high-school buddy of ours and a great guitarist) who had a thrashier band than AB ever was (Abacinator) since AB always had a revolving door 2nd guitarist it seemed only natural to get a guy to keep and write with and he and JP collaborated on the writing and it was excellent! All we needed was a singer,so we made a flyer and went to a Slayer show in Media (Pulsations night club (remember that one Chris!) That was where we ran into Chuck Miles. We were familiar with this dude from a gig AB played in York Pa. there was a band called Roadkill and they did flawless covers of all the bands we loved and the singer (Miles ) killed it! AND we got along great with him years before ,so it was a natural fit. He approached us and said you don't need these anymore and started throwing all the singer wanted flyers in the trash..we might have drug him back to Philly that night!! Chuck was all in! He dropped his entire life up in York to come to Philly and be in this band! We still had no name we were going by AB for lack of another name but when we were recording Dreams of Supremacy at one point the engineer kept playing back apart of the song where the lyric says"dominance is what you'll come to learn" over and over while adjusting levels when Chucky (Stadulis) said "THAT should be our name" we all looked at each other and there it was.

MC: How long did the Dominace thing last? I know your recorded some demos and stuff, but no label signed you guys if I am correct. What was the line-up of that band and what do you think of those days?

DC: 2 Chucks 2 Johns and a Dave those days were fun and heartbreaking,just as we were coming into our own niche and shedding the AB stigma Miles went to jail and Hebert decided he wanted to follow amore groovy type of songwriting .Gary helped us out alot during this time with some gigs and recording while Lance Walters slid in on guitar did the same. In my opinion by then the music scene in Philly had just up and died and the spark (for me) went out.

MC: Now when you were Dominance did you do any Anvil Bitch songs and how did the fans take to the name change and where did you find your singer and guitar player from?

DC: At first we did a couple newer AB songs that no-one knew,our first gig was as AB but that was when we announced the name change I think we lost some fans but we gained a newer breed of thrash fans a bit more heavy and faster with more of a growly vocal style than some of Garys fans were used to! We lost some but gained some too!

MC: At one point did the Dominace thing sort of end? Was it just a mutual type of breakup? Did you manage to play out a lot during those days?

DC: We did more Troc shows as Dominance than AB ever did opening for Slayer, Suicidal, MOD Overkill, etc. We did many shows in New York, but the scene in Philly was like being drained somehow it was just disappearing nobody supported local music and the troubles. I wrote of in Question #2 were waying very heavy.

MC: After Dominance broke up what did you end up doing and did you still stay and touch with the ex band members and was it a nasty break-up at the time?

DC: I put my bass down and got married started a family bought a house that's what we all did. JP always kept jamming with people and recorded a lot of solo stuff during this time like I said earlier he is a riff machine he kept writing constantly and he always will!! Those guys are my brothers and I will always love all of them ! there were never any hard feelings....arguments but no hard feelings!

MC: So after Dominance broke up and stuff and you started a family and all did you pay much attention to the underground scene at all and did you ever at any point go on a computer and google in Anvil Bitch or look for any videos on You Tube or anything like that?

DC: I still went to shows sometimes but I think the underground scene passed me by a little. I just got a computer 5 years ago so I did no google-ing at all!

MC: Now how did this whole re-union thing of sorts come together. What was the 1st practice like and for those who don't know what is the current line-up of the band now?

DC: There was a benefit concert at the Northstar where Deadspot was playing and they asked us if Dominance would like to do a couple songs . When I went to meet with them I was checking out their practice and my palms were sweating so bad I knew I had to grab a bass ! LTK (larry the kid ) was there and he and JP started jamming and as a matter of fact our side band "Rise TO Offend" was formed before the AB re-union .We played a couple Dominance songs at the benefit and Gary was supposed to show up to sing Maggots. He got the date mixed up tho~ but we still played the song with a crowd of people on stage singing it ! The first time in about 20 years! Lance helped us out tremendously at first but he got too busy with his numerous other bands and running the studio so our line-up is all original as of today is me, JP, Chucky and Gary.

MC: What was it like playing out live for the 1st time in such a long time? Did you always feel that Anvil Bitch and Domiance were good live bands?

DC: I wasn't nervous, but I felt old and fat! Shit I am old and fat!! And bald!! So go figure! Yes I always considered us an energetic live band.

MC: What was it like going back in the studio after so many years? Do you like going in the studio or do prefer to play live better? How did the recording for the 3 songs go and were you happy with the finished product?

DC: It was great because we were all buddies and it took me a while to get my chops back I had not been playing my bass that often , everyone was very patient with me . I prefer live because recording I come in one day to do my tracks and then its a week of one guitar a week of drums a week of lead guitars then mixing....on&on..gets boring (the repetition).

MC: How did the coming of the Dominance CD come about? Would you ever play any Dominance stuff live ever? Were is your old singer from that band these days?

DC: The guys from Kill Whitney Dead used to come see Dominance all the time and could never figure out why we were never signed . They ended up starting a record company and wanted to hear our first two demos on cd so they offered to put them out and we agreed. By the way it sounds incredible! They did an awesome job packaging it too! There are a couple songs that were officially Dominance songs but at the time they were written they weren't recorded so we might use a couple for AB but we have many newer songs that will be priority. Chuck Miles is doing ok after some health scares but we are still in touch and we are all still close friends.

MC: When can we expect some more new Anvil Bitch material? Do you still like playing the old stuff live? Any label interest at all so far?

DC: We have lots of material and we are getting ready for the studio now.the old songs are great to play live they still have the teen angst that they had in 86 its like a peek into an old foto album.Yes there is some interest from some small labels ,we are looking for the perfect label as far as distribution etc..

MC: What is the biggest thing you have noticed differently about the underground scene nowadays?

DC: The internet. there can be an entire scene going un-noticed to the "aboveground realm" and unless you are on this internet you will stay there the information age has changed the entire face of the underground in my opinion almost a complete reversal!

MC: What are some great memories you have about the band that stick out in your head even to this day?

DC: I will always love the sound of the crowd, after the first song or pause in the music when the crowd reacts that's always the loudest they are going to be! And that is, and was the way I judge whether or not a crowd is listening to what we are doing. Not everyone can jump in the pit to show their enthusiasm! It is always nice tho when there is a large whirlpool pit kicking up some dust !! There was one gig that stands out we were invited to South Jersey to play an outdoor show with our buddies Faith or Fear we had just met those guys and it was an exciting time we played in a backyard and the dust was a giant cloud from the pit and by the end of our set we were all the same color as the dust completely dusted our guitars drums amps what a fuckin mess we were muddy from sweat and it was awesome I'm sure those dudes have similar memories of that!

MC: Plug any Anvil Bitch websites and is there any merchandise for sale and have you ever seen anybody still wearing any shirts of you guys from the old days?

DC: We have a Facebook site ( Anvil Bitch Official) that's a good way to contact us and a e-mail www.anvilbitch@comcast.net. I saw an old AB t-shirt on Ebay listed as vintage hahahaaa too cool but we do have new design t-shirts and demos for sale !

MC: Dave mega horns up for doing this long interview. Any last words.

DC: Thank YOU Chris this was like a trip down memory lane for me too!! Wow lots of old stories you were there the whole time too! That's what makes it cool! Every one has different ways of telling them! Sorry it took me some time for the last couple sets on the 22nd my wife and I had our 4th child a little girl named Rayanne ! Gotta go getting ready for Sunday afternoon band practice as this story continues........