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Lord of Pagathorn 

Lord Of Pagathorn is a crushing black metal band from Finland. After hearing the bands very impressive demo I got in touch with the band for an interview and if your into quality black metal here is a band not to be missed. The interview was done by band member Corpselord.

MC: Give me a brief band history and how all the members came together? How long has the current line-up been around?

C: Band was formed in early 90`s in Finland. In a year 1992 we chose the name Lord Of Pagathorn. At that moment there were two members, Corpselord (guitar, bass, vocals) & Lord Uutela (drums). Our first demo “The Chaos Spirit Among Us” was released in 1994. After year 1995 we went under ice. I have composed new material during the years and in year 2009 I found new line up for the band. Sedit from Sear start to play bass and Hellwind from Sacrilegious Impalement/Urn sat behind the drumkit. Our second and newest demo entitled “MSILIHPORCEN” was released 24th of December 2010.
MC: Were any of you in any other bands and how do you think you all get along as a band?

C: Yes, we all have been in many bands during the years. As a band, Lord Of Pagathorn is stronger than ever.

MC: How did you come up with the band name and were any other band names considered?

C: Well, we took that name in 1992, but cannot remember where the original idea came from. Ofcourse we had few other names in our mind but Lord Of Pagathorn name sounded unique and best.
MC: I have a CD you sent me. Is that your only release? How was it going into the studio recording it, did things go smoothly?

C: You are holding now our second demo “MSILIHPORCEN” in your hands. As I earlier said it was released in 2010. Recording sessions was full of misfortune. Different kind of strange happened, guitars went down, microphones went mute during drum recordings etc. That new demo presenting three chapters from the Nekros Philia theme album which I have written. In full album there will be seven chapters. Now we are looking for a record label.
MC: Are you happy with the way the CD turned out and how has the response been to it so far?

C: Happy is a wrong word. I think we are really satisfied for the result of that demo. We have got very good feedback and very good reviews from zines, netzines etc.
MC: How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

C: Cold and possessed black metal.
MC: Where you are from is there a good solid underground metal scene?

C: We are from Finland and if you are into metal, you should know our country.
MC: With the CD you sent me, what do you hope happens with it?

C: We hope that we are getting a good record deal and that we can spread our blasphemous propaganda.
MC: Do you get to play live a lot and do you think your a good live band?

C: We don´t have played any gigs. Maybe in the future things will be different, lets see.
MC: In your eyes, what makes a good song?

C: If song possess you and tear you a part or you get cold chills into your spine…that might be the sign of a good song.
MC: How much during any given week is spent doing band related things?

C: Well, now it is 24/7 for me because I am doing personally all the things which are related to a band.
MC: When it comes to having a song come together, how is that done?

C: At this moment I am doing all the songs and telling the ideas to other members.
MC: Are lyrics important to the band?

C: Yes.
MC: Do you get to see many touring bands come through Finland and if so what are some shows you have seen over the years?

C: Well, yes, a lot. Our band is located in the capital of Finland so here is always lots of gigs. I have witnessed gigs from the bands like Blasphemy, Necros Christos, Nifelheim, King Diamond etc.
MC: Do you guys wear corpsepaint when you play live and what is your thoughts on corpsepaint?

C: At this moment we don´t play any gigs.
MC: Do you guys have any new songs ready to go?

C: We have lots of new ideas and currently we are making the songs for the full length album.
MC: Plug any websites you have and the url's for them and what will people find when they go and visit your website?

C: We only have myspace site, www.myspace.com/lordofpagathorn and there you can find a graveyard and songs from the demos.
MC: Where do you see the band in 5 years?

C: Hope we all rot in hell.
MC: Any last words? Horns up for the interview.

C: Thank you for the interview and for your interest about our band!
You can order our newest “MSILIHPORCEN” demo (cdr or cassette) from the band. Price is 5$ (inc. postages). Address is: lordofpagathorn@gmail.com